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Malabar Class of 1972
Chip Reese

Duane "Chip" Reese

Duane C. (Chip) Reese, 18, of Evergreen, Col., son of Mr. and Mrs. Duane C. Reese and a former Mansfield resident died in Fort Collins (Colo.) Hospital last evening (11-30-1972) following a two week illness.

The Reese youth was born in Mansfield March 26, 1954, and was a resident here until last June when his family moved to Evergreen, Col.  He was a student at the University of Colorado and a graduate of Malabar High School in June, 1972.

His father formerly was division manager of Reese Optical Co. here.
Surviving besides his parents are two sisters, Miss Debbra Reese and Miss Dana L. Reese, both of Evergreen, Col.; and his grandmother Mrs. Clarence E. Reese of Mansfield.
Funeral services will be conducted in the J. H. Finefrock & Sons Funeral Home Monday at 11 a.m.  Burial will be in Mansfield Memorial Park.  Friends may call at the funeral home Sunday afternoon and evening.

Published in the News Journal on December 1, 1972.

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